dinsdag 27 maart 2012

red sparowes



haven't listened to them in a long time.


with versus members. good stuff.

hüsker dü

drifting guitar noise and dreamy vocals.

mission of burma

repost i think. awesome song.

young ginns

with unwound members. it has that vibe.


one of these bands with ONLY classic traxxx. fuck yeah. here's an youtube mix. except that song about 12 toes or something. could've done without.

mann oder astromann

indeed. some summer music. this music is supposed to be listened live though. it's not 1/10 as exciting. but still, good stuff. This is what i mean. How awesome is that. With their space-theme and all.. Servotron would be even better live (because of the cyber-chick).

maandag 26 maart 2012

the wipers

didn't know the melvins version was a cover. anyway. here's both of them (I prefer melvins' version, but ok).

woensdag 21 maart 2012


I respect Gerald Donald's musical skills. but he's one unproductive scientist. rotor-vapping air... pipetting without tips.. his colleague also doesn't seem that bright.


Electric independence: Oneohtrix point never

Oneohtrix point never - returnal

Boxcutter playlist

Okay,when looking for inspiration you can also find some great vids here: http://www.self-titledmag.com/category/media/video-media/video-playlist-video-media-media/

Have been exploring Boxcutters list all morning.

vrijdag 9 maart 2012

omar s + shadow ray

Omar S

kyle hall

good vibrations in this track. borderline 'hippe flikkermuziek' maybe. but I like it.

kuniuki takahashi

listen to kuniuki takahshi's music, together with this footage of the Chrysaora quinquecirrha sea nettle (actually analyzing data obtained from it's venom at the moment ;-) ) so peaceful and gracious. more vids of awesome sea nettles here. wow. more music from kuniukkketc can be listened to in this mix.

john heckle

wow! blazing track!!! f-in love it. nice bmx video widdddddit. another good one. damn this is good.

zondag 4 maart 2012

schedelvreter / das ding

klik here for schedervreter alias.

Benny Golson

last artist in 'Saturday night jazz with Berry' is Benny Golson's yesterdays. really dig how he goes into those moaning-like sounds on 0.43 and 1.13. dynamic stuff.

horace silver

Silver is still living, age 83. hehe, finally one that survived. ;-) classic song btw. i like that subtle and silky bossa beat.

Eric Dolphy

Dolphy died in Berlin at age 36, being a diabetic, either from insulin shortage or insulin overdose. being jazz musician was a pretty dangerous living..