donderdag 15 december 2011

why so serious???

(Head of a lamb born by a sheep that ate leaves of the corn lily plant. The cyclopia in the calf is induced by the alkaloid cyclopamine present in the plant.)

Alaska - Accuse

woensdag 7 december 2011

artist unknown


documentary: walking around in a Japanese suicide forest at mount Fiji. watch the 2 parts on youtube or watch the original at Azusa Hayano is a hero. and the follow up: secret life of japan (documentary about suicide in Japan)



docu bout an hermafrodite with brain trauma and an asperger autist who are fans/stalkers of this 80's teen star Tiffany. you know her mediocre hit song from her heyday. here's an interview with the maker at anyway; seems like some tearjearking creepiness (a nice combo).

dinsdag 6 december 2011


now this keeps on being timeless and good.


somethingk math-postrocky. whatever the hipsters call it. uhg.. while posting this the singer just started with his shenanigans. that ruined it. post it anyway. nothing special though... from this album. think that's my problem with mathrock. sounds too calculated. hahaaa!!!!

vrijdag 2 december 2011

youth sentiment

maybe even guilty pleasure..

country teasers

I hate the singing, but the rest of the song r-u-l-e-s.

phantogram + devics + sarah jaffe

even wat lichts. wellicht wat voor stefan. volgens mij had ik phentogram al eens van jou gehoord. edit: gepost zelfs.


steve summers

music of this video starts when you click here. link to lies records info/interview is here.

husker du

sketchy vhs rec. of interview in 80's housewife's afternoon talk-show. nice glasses! totally unrelated talk-show friday weirdness.

s.s.p.s. / s.s. pyramid snake / porkchop / ((ex) member of) excepter / Jon Nicholson

Brooklyn based trucker with a mobile studio recording in motel bathrooms all over the US. As the legend goes. sinister stuff awe some.