donderdag 15 december 2011

why so serious???

(Head of a lamb born by a sheep that ate leaves of the corn lily plant. The cyclopia in the calf is induced by the alkaloid cyclopamine present in the plant.)

Alaska - Accuse

woensdag 7 december 2011

artist unknown


documentary: walking around in a Japanese suicide forest at mount Fiji. watch the 2 parts on youtube or watch the original at Azusa Hayano is a hero. and the follow up: secret life of japan (documentary about suicide in Japan)



docu bout an hermafrodite with brain trauma and an asperger autist who are fans/stalkers of this 80's teen star Tiffany. you know her mediocre hit song from her heyday. here's an interview with the maker at anyway; seems like some tearjearking creepiness (a nice combo).

dinsdag 6 december 2011


now this keeps on being timeless and good.


somethingk math-postrocky. whatever the hipsters call it. uhg.. while posting this the singer just started with his shenanigans. that ruined it. post it anyway. nothing special though... from this album. think that's my problem with mathrock. sounds too calculated. hahaaa!!!!

vrijdag 2 december 2011

youth sentiment

maybe even guilty pleasure..

country teasers

I hate the singing, but the rest of the song r-u-l-e-s.

phantogram + devics + sarah jaffe

even wat lichts. wellicht wat voor stefan. volgens mij had ik phentogram al eens van jou gehoord. edit: gepost zelfs.


steve summers

music of this video starts when you click here. link to lies records info/interview is here.

husker du

sketchy vhs rec. of interview in 80's housewife's afternoon talk-show. nice glasses! totally unrelated talk-show friday weirdness.

s.s.p.s. / s.s. pyramid snake / porkchop / ((ex) member of) excepter / Jon Nicholson

Brooklyn based trucker with a mobile studio recording in motel bathrooms all over the US. As the legend goes. sinister stuff awe some.

woensdag 23 november 2011

fuck yeah

perception - mirage

one of my all time favorite Detroit techno tracks. love the lyrics. on the video-still: Japanese war tuba's. awesome name, awesome function; they were 'acoustic location mirrors', rendered redundant after the introduction of radar. wiki.

dinsdag 8 november 2011

Portico Quartet - Ruins

voor liefhebbers van Bonobo, Amon Tobin, The Kilimanjaro Darkjazz Ensemble en soortgelijke. En dat dan in een blender met een snufje Steve Reich. *vul hier een superlatief naar keuze in*

dinsdag 20 september 2011

vrijdag 16 september 2011

Ólafur Arnalds & Nils Frahm live improvisation

Ólafur Arnalds & Nils Frahm live improvisation at Roter Salon – Volksbühne Berlin from Erased Tapes on Vimeo.

Ólafur Arnalds & Nils Frahm creating a song live in front of an intimate audience at Roter Salon, Volksbühne Berlin on July 26, 2011 as part of Ólafur's solo tour.

Filming & editing by Jörn Dobrindt & Sebastian Stumpe

Additional shots by Tobias Wenner

Live mix and recording by Jan Hoppenstedt

More info:

zaterdag 10 september 2011

dinsdag 23 augustus 2011

donderdag 4 augustus 2011

maandag 4 juli 2011

Battles - Futura

Battles - Futura ¦ A Take Away Show

Damn, alleen al de drummert...

Battles - Wall Street ¦ A Take Away Show

Check zeker ook de rest van de blogotheque filmpjes:

Iemand trek in een ijsje?

Battles - Ice Cream

donderdag 5 mei 2011

Beach House - Norway (Dkon remix)

donderdag 14 april 2011

Vagon Brei

and as a bonus

Markus Suckut

Everlong Live Acoustic

donderdag 7 april 2011

the Bach recordings

the Bach recordings (2011) from Wandering Eye on Vimeo.

Ricardo Gallen, a world renown classical guitarist, was coming to Toronto to record a new album with interpretations of Bach on a specially made guitar. So we reached out and asked him if he wouldn't mind us stopping by one day and filming him and Norbert Kraft, an Emmy Award winning guitarist, record the album. We showed up with a Canon 5D, Sigma & Zeiss lenses and a small crane and tried to do visual justice to the magic that Ricardo creates when he plays. The guitar audio on practically every shot is the LIVE feed from their professional recording setup. There is no playback going on and both songs are LIVE Audiovisual creations. Really worth listening to with good headphones or nice speakers.


Music Producer
Norbert Kraft

Film by

donderdag 3 maart 2011

Keepon dancing to Spoon's "Don't You Evah"

Al wat ouder nummer maar die clip blijft zo gaaf. Moest er weer aan denken toen ik die mooie plak vinyl die ik vandaag binnen heb gekregen en waar dit nummer op staat op mijn platenspeler legde en het nummer voorbij hoorde komen.

zondag 20 februari 2011

Nostalgia Sunday

Een promo persing van de 12" maar weer eens uit de kast getrokken. Ik moet binnenkort echt weer eens naar Distortion...

zaterdag 19 februari 2011

Grizzly Bear - Knife

The Beirut video reminded me of this one. Still gives me chills.

Take Away Show #10 _ GRIZZLY BEAR (part 1) from Vincent Moon / Petites Planetes on Vimeo.

paris, charonne, may 2006
Images & edit by vincent moon. Sounds by chryde. Produced by chryde for la blogotheque,2004
part 1 _
part 2 _
part 3 _
part 4 _
Avec quatre garçons, la caméra a beaucoup plus de visages à se mettre sous la dent. Et les voix, dans la rue, s’enchaînent, s’amusent, s’harmonisent. Avec les Grizzly Bear, nous avons pris notre pied comme rarement. Et ça s’entend.

We already had shot three videos with the four guys from Grizzly Bear. One where we locked them in a small bathroom, one where we put them at every corner of a room (a guitar on the bed, some drums on the carpet, one voice near the shelves), one last where we recorded a song in an old and tiny elevator, with Daniel singing while we were going up, and down, and up, and down... We already had shot three videos, but we wanted more.
Because they were so nice and fun, because those were so beautiful moments... But they had to go to the restaurant, and couldn’t bring any instrument with them. They went in the street as tourists, and we followed them.
At the first corner, Chris came to us and asked us if they could veto what they were going to sing. An a cappella version of The Knife, one of the songs from their new album. We were ready to take the risk. And we’re still glad we did : they singed it as a wap-doo-wap song. And we shot them while walking, and we smiled like idiots because it was a magical moment. In Paris, at sunset.

Beirut - A Call to Arms

dinsdag 15 februari 2011

zaterdag 5 februari 2011

Helios - Sons of Light and Darkness

Nova (audio by Helios) from flight404 on Vimeo.

Made with Processing. Audio by Helios (Sons of Light and Darkness).

Starts out slow and gains momentum. Hang in there because it has a nice payoff. This a quickie reskin of the Magnetosphere project.

maandag 3 januari 2011

zondag 2 januari 2011